As kids, we get impressed by so many things: on the whole, these first discoveries remain in the memory forever, affecting the future tastes and interests. This story is not an exception. Young Tony Babel was impressed by the 1930s cartoon style as child, and then fascinated by a recent Cuphead art style in 2017.
Tony Babel created the 2D animation pieces, imitating the rubber hose animation from the previous century. His motion graphic contains the retro technique, which used to be a standard one in the old-school American animation industry. It’s distinguishing feature was ‘shaky and curvy’ parts of the character’s body, leaving no space for articulation. Time has passed and the technique has sunk into oblivion due to the appearance of more sophisticated ways to give drawn cartoons some live motion.
The compilation made of gifs, collected during the last two years, is called ‘Vintage Loops’. The merry vintage cartoons chain you to the monitor for quite a while, when your mind is busy with playing the nostalgic flashbacks from youth. And the devil guy looks awfully familiar, don’t you think?

And to boot, I strongly recommend you to take a look at his BB-8 project as well, ‘cause it’s a great mixture of cute and tongue-in-cheek vibes in each single 2D animation.