Behold the new Nike AIRMAXLINE 2019 worn by a crowd of 3D humans! This character design can make you fall in love both with the new collection and the studio’s distinctive style. Why seek the assistance of models, when you can create your own ones?
The 3D design field has hit its stride recently, and one of such gems is the new character design carried out by Superfiction. This studio specializes in making juicy illustrations and recreating amazing fiction characters mostly in 3D technique, so it’s a precise hit into the trend! Their distinctive and catchy style must be the thing which Nike can relate to with its brand uniqueness and love to experiments. Anyway, reasons don’t matter that much, the result is way more captivating to come through and receive some aesthetic pleasure.
The studio has come up with a group of characters for Nike’s AIRMAXLINE 2019 campaign. It’s basically a character design, where every single 3D human represents a distinctive personality with its interests, hobbies, and worries. If you’re in good relations with the modern pop culture, you can even find certain Easter eggs like Daft Punk or Bob Ross models. The detailization in this character design is bewildering! Besides, the dynamics laid as the basis of each figure makes it almost sad that these are not animations which are about to start moving.